What is ‘Chi’?
Chi (also spelt ‘qi’ or ‘ki’) is known in some traditions as prana, kundalini power, spirit, life force or simply energy. Its concept is derived directly from Taoist philosophy. Chi has also been translated as ‘air’ and ‘breath’ and figuratively as ‘material energy’ so it means life force or energy flow. It is the vital force and transformational power of energy that binds all objects and activities in nature into one organic system of form and function.
High on Chi uses the 8 Pillars of Chi Flow as a blueprint to identify areas of one’s life where they are wasting/leaking their chi and how they can improve it. When you are high on chi you are in the flow of life, you feel incredible and your beliefs, perceptions and mental state feels more balanced.
The Pillars of Chi Flow are…
Self-care is essential in supporting your overall chi levels. It promotes relaxation and nourishes your mind, body and spirit. When you don’t give yourself regular self-care, you deplete yourself of chi, leading to behaviours you know are not good for you and the things you values can begin to feel like chores.
Self-care is essential in supporting your overall chi levels. It promotes relaxation and nourishes your mind, body and spirit. When you don’t give yourself regular self-care, you deplete yourself of chi, leading to behaviours you know are not good for you and the things you values can begin to feel like chores.
Good quality sleep is a necessity in order to live a healthy and happy life. It boosts your chi levels and allows your body to shift into the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest). This way it is best equipped to repair itself and build your defensive chi against various illnesses. Sleep acts like nutrition for your brain and it provides time for your mind to have some rest.
Good quality sleep is a necessity in order to live a healthy and happy life. It boosts your chi levels and allows your body to shift into the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest). This way it is best equipped to repair itself and build your defensive chi against various illnesses. Sleep acts like nutrition for your brain and it provides time for your mind to have some rest.
If you want to live a life that is full of health and happiness, then having some purpose in life is an important factor to your chi levels. When you align yourself to your purpose and do the things you are passionate about, the whole universe conspires to support you.
If you want to live a life that is full of health and happiness, then having some purpose in life is an important factor to your chi levels. When you align yourself to your purpose and do the things you are passionate about, the whole universe conspires to support you.
When we practice meditation on a regular basis our chi levels will feel recharged, the mind will be rejuvenated and your essence refuelled. When your mind is constantly distracted and lost in thought, your spirit becomes exhausted and this can eventually lead to energy and essence depletion
When we practice meditation on a regular basis our chi levels will feel recharged, the mind will be rejuvenated and your essence refuelled. When your mind is constantly distracted and lost in thought, your spirit becomes exhausted and this can eventually lead to energy and essence depletion
Therapeutic Exercise
Therapeutic exercise can help build your chi and keep your vital energy circulating. When your body does not move, your essence and essential fluids, such as your blood, cannot flow. If this happens, then your chi will become stagnant and cause a build-up of toxins, which can leave you feeling lethargic, unmotivated and cause a negative outlook on life.
Therapeutic exercise can help build your chi and keep your vital energy circulating. When your body does not move, your essence and essential fluids, such as your blood, cannot flow. If this happens, then your chi will become stagnant and cause a build-up of toxins, which can leave you feeling lethargic, unmotivated and cause a negative outlook on life.
The foods you ingest can directly affect your emotions and the functions of your organs. All food you eat will have an innate vibrational effect on your overall chi, your consciousness and the way you live your life. The foods you eat can create healing on a mind, body and spiritual level.
The foods you ingest can directly affect your emotions and the functions of your organs. All food you eat will have an innate vibrational effect on your overall chi, your consciousness and the way you live your life. The foods you eat can create healing on a mind, body and spiritual level.
Chi Cycle Living
The 24-hour chi cycle is a daily routine template to help optimise. Through living in accordance to the chi cycle your vitality, creativity, quality of sleep, mood and outlook on life will greatly improve. You will greatly deepen your connection to spirit and nature simply through supporting the natural rhythmic flow of chi that moves throughout your body.
The 24-hour chi cycle is a daily routine template to help optimise. Through living in accordance to the chi cycle your vitality, creativity, quality of sleep, mood and outlook on life will greatly improve. You will greatly deepen your connection to spirit and nature simply through supporting the natural rhythmic flow of chi that moves throughout your body.
Chi is in all living things and around us at all times. It’s in the air we breathe, so of course, we are influenced by the chi of the people we surround ourselves with and the environments we place ourselves into. Invest in your surroundings as this will invest in yourself and in a new life you wish to move towards.
Chi is in all living things and around us at all times. It’s in the air we breathe, so of course, we are influenced by the chi of the people we surround ourselves with and the environments we place ourselves into. Invest in your surroundings as this will invest in yourself and in a new life you wish to move towards.
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Pillars of Chi Flow
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